Trust the Facts, Get the Vax

DABO is running a campaign to clear up misinformation about the COVID-19 Vaccination so that the community can Trust the Facts, and Get the Vax!

The Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) would like you to check with your primary care doctor today about getting the COVID-19 vaccination. Help stop the spread today!

Trust the Facts logo


Trust The Facts!

Communities of color are at higher risk for a more severe impact if they contract COVID-19. 

    • Communities of color generally have more underlying health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, COPD, and other illnesses. (Source: CDC)
    • Health, social and economic inequities have placed minorities at greater risk for severe cases of COVID-19. (Source: CDC)

Be mindful of these things when making a decision about whether or not to get vaccinated. You or your loved ones may be at risk!

The vaccine is safe and effective at helping to prevent serious complications or death from COVID-19.

We’re not out of the woods yet; COVID-19 is still active. However, we can continue to limit the spread and protect those who are most at risk of severe illness by getting vaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is the first step to reducing the risk of contracting a deadly case of COVID.

    • Vaccines bring us closer to the people we care about most. (Source: World Health Organization)
    • Vaccines allow us to freely gather safely. (Source: CDC)
    • Getting vaccinated helps to reduce the risk of spreading new variants when traveling. (Source: CDC)

MYTH: COVID-19 is Just the flu!

FACT: COVID-19 and the flu are not the same, they are caused by different viruses.

They have similar symptoms, but COVID-19 has a longer incubation period compared to the flu.

Schedule a free vaccination today to stop the spread! 

MYTH: Getting Vaccinated Will Make You Sick!

FACT: The vaccine does not contain any live or inactive portion of the COVID-19 virus.

You may experience mild side effects such as pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, and muscle aches.

Schedule your vaccine today!

MYTH: I’m Not High Risk, So I Don’t Need The Vaccine.

FACT: Everybody’s body reacts differently to the COVID-19 virus.

Even if you don’t fit into the category of someone who is at severe risk of COVID-19, you could still develop life threatening symptoms. 

The vaccine helps protect you and the community! Trust the facts, get the vax!

MYTH: Ingredients In The Vaccine Are Dangerous.

FACTS: Many of the ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccine are the same ingredients in the food you buy: fats, sugars, and salts.

There are NO preservatives, fetal cells, antibiotics, food proteins, medicines, latex or metals.

The vaccine is safe for everyone! Schedule an appointment today!

MYTH: COVID-19 Will Cause Fertility Problems.

FACT: There is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine causes fertility problems.

Studies show that there is no risk of miscarriage or changes in fertility for men or women. 

Pregnant women and couples trying to get pregnant are safe to get the vaccine. Schedule an appointment today!

Get The Vax:

The Detroit Association of Black Organizations will continue to provide COVID testing to the public for free. However, we no longer offer vaccines. However, we encourage you to talk to your Doctor about getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

Testing Appointments Available:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays (At Sheffield Center) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

You can schedule an appointment for Sheffield Center on our website or just walk in! Walk-ins are welcome for testing! 

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