Your Blood Pressure Matters
Nearly 116 million adults in US have hypertension and 75% are NOT controlled. It is important to know and get in control of your blood pressure today!
Community Development
Crisis Intervention
HIV Prevention

Substance Abuse Support
Suicide Prevention
COVID-19 Resources
Trust the Facts, Get the Vax
MYTH: I’m Not High Risk, So I Don’t Need The Vaccine.
Even if you don’t fit into the category of someone who is at severe risk of COVID-19, you could still develop life threatening symptoms.
The vaccine helps protect you and the community! Trust the facts, get the vax!
MYTH: Ingredients In The Vaccine Are Dangerous.
There are NO preservatives, fetal cells, antibiotics, food proteins, medicines, latex or metals.
The vaccine is safe for everyone! Schedule an appointment today!
MYTH: COVID-19 Will Cause Fertility Problems.
Studies show that there is no risk of miscarriage or changes in fertility for men or women.
Pregnant women and couples trying to get pregnant are safe to get the vaccine. Schedule an appointment today!
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Get Involved
Volunteer to make a tangible change in Detroit. Whether you make a donation, host a fundraiser, work at an event, or join our network, we need your support.