March 13, 2024
Detroit, Mich. — The Detroit Association of Black Organizations, (DABO), was awarded a $1 million grant by the State of Michigan. The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity awarded $64 million in Community Center Grant funds in late February.
DABO is proud to have been selected amongst the 100 Michigan municipalities and organizations to expand programming and work on capital projects.
The $1 million allocation of state grant funding will allow DABO to pursue exciting new development plans. Ofield Dukes Media Production Center & Studio will break ground on the vacant site of Grand River Ave. and Kentucky in Detroit.
“This state of art facility will be an impactful jewel to this neighborhood and for all of Detroit,” said Horace Sheffield lll, CEO of DABO.
“This will become a space for live broadcasts, podcasting, media production, and training. It will allow us to have a platform to provide useful information to the community, promotion of our partnered resources, and original digital content allowing us to create our own cultural narrative. We appreciate the State of Michigan for investing into organizations like DABO which invests into our people and community everyday.”
The grant program builds on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s ‘Make it in Michigan’ policy agenda to win projects, invest in people and revitalize places.
“Community centers anchor thriving communities across Michigan, offering Michiganders places to gather, connect, learn, and access resources,” said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. “This funding for community centers will help us deliver on our ‘Make it in Michigan’ vision to revitalize cities and towns across Michigan by making them more attractive places to live, work, and invest.”
The new grant funding will also allow DABO to continue its media endeavors by amplifying its vital community services and programming with a new mobile app, Detroit Community Network (DCN).
The new app will serve to connect the community with impactful resource information in conjunction with expansive digital offerings provided by our new media production development.
About the Detroit Association of Black Organizations
Established in 1979, the Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) has been a champion for greater unity and opportunities in Detroit’s African American community. Through an expansive network of over 130 organizations, DABO strives to create meaningful resources aimed at improving quality-of-life initiatives around the city. For more information on how this organization is inspiring progress through connection and collaboration visit www.dabodetroitinc.com!