WHAT: Virtual panel to discuss the importance of voting in the 2020 election and the need for Detroiters to exercise their power at the ballot box. Recently retrieved archival recordings of Rev. Horace Sheffield, Jr. interviewing Black citizens in Selma trying to register to vote in 1965 will be released and the panel will reflect on the parallels between the fight for fair elections in the Jim Crow era and today. The panel is part of the Detroit Votes initiative, which is working to inform, educate, and mobilize Detroit voters in the upcoming 2020 election.
Martin Luther King III, Civil Rights Activist
Sen. Nina Turner, Professor and former Ohio State Senator
Erika Alexander, Actress, Producer and Activist
Hon. Mary Sheffield, President Pro-Tem, Detroit City Council
John F. Harris, Attorney and Founder, Harris Law Partners
Moderated by:
Rev. Horace Sheffield III, Executive Director, Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO)
TeShayla Coates, Founder, Blacme
WHEN: Tuesday, October 20, 2020
6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Register in advance via Zoom:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Or register via Eventbrite: detroitvotes.eventbrite.com
About the Detroit Association of Black Organizations
Since 1979, the Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) has uplifted, unified, and empowered Detroit’s African American community through various programs, initiatives, and events. DABO is a federation of over 130 black, and non-black organizations working to build community unity. For more information, please visit dabodetroitinc.com