November 16, 2023
Detroit – Rap artist Baby Smoove and The Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) are partnering to host a turkey giveaway for the community Friday, November 17 at noon. The event will take place at Bridge Center, located at 9928 Grand River Ave, Detroit, MI 48204.
In addition to Baby Smoove and DABO, the event is also being supported by Choose Healthy Life, Grandprice Foodland, Trans4Life, and the Divine Nine will volunteer.
Members of the media are invited to attend the event and cover the giveaway. The organizers will be available for interviews and to provide more information on the event.
Rap artist, Baby Smoove
The Detroit Association of Black Organizations
Choose Healthy Life
Grand Price Foodland
Divine nine volunteers
Community turkey giveaway
Friday, November 17, 2023
12 p.m.
*Photo and video opps available
Dr. LaVonne M. Sheffield Bridge Center Library
9928 Grand River Ave
Detroit, MI 48204
About the Detroit Association of Black Organizations Established in 1979, the Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) has been a champion for greater unity and opportunities in Detroit’s African American community. Through an expansive network of over 130 organizations, DABO strives to create meaningful resources aimed at improving quality-of-life initiatives around the city. For more information on how this organization is inspiring progress through connection and collaboration visit www.dabodetroitinc.com!